January 31, 2023

Have you ever stumbled upon a video that instantly made you understand a concept or product that previously seemed complicated? That, my friend, is the magic of an explainer video. In today’s digital age, where attention spans are shorter than ever, explainer videos have emerged as a powerful tool to convey information to audiences in a clear, concise, and engaging manner.

An explainer video is a short, animated or live-action video that simplifies complex ideas, concepts, or products into an easily digestible format. From introducing a new product or service to educating an audience on a complex topic, explainer videos can serve a variety of purposes for businesses and individuals alike. With the help of storytelling, visual aids, and sound effects, an explainer video not only grabs the viewer’s attention but also conveys the message in a memorable and effective way. In this blog, we’ll explore the various types of explainer videos, their benefits, and how you can leverage them to take your marketing efforts to the next level.

Benefits Of Using Explainer Videos

The use of an explainer video allows a business to quickly deliver its message in a light-hearted way while also providing visual stimulation. This form of content encourages engagement while making it easier for viewers to grasp the topic without reading long paragraphs. By utilizing visuals, voice-over, music and other elements, explainer videos have the ability to help your audience absorb complex ideas quickly and easily in a format which is entertaining and entertainingly instructive.

Explainer videos have become invaluable tools for marketers looking to capture the attention of new customers or start an awareness campaign – they are an efficient yet effective tool for introducing services or products to potential customers without needing large amounts of text content explaining them. They provide viewers with enough information about a product or service that encourages them to take further action such as signing up for more information or accessing free trials/samples.

Explainer videos also serve as great lead generation tools – research has shown that pages containing embedded video increase search engine rankings, visitors remain on webpages longer when there is video present and visitors are more likely to share content which contains video; all key factors which contribute significantly towards the success of any video marketing strategy.

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The process of creating an explainer video

Different Types Of Explainer Videos

Explainer videos can range from simple explainer storyboards to more sophisticated animations. There are four common types of explainer videos that businesses use: instructional, commercial, product demos, and customer stories.

  • Instructional Explainer Videos aim to break down a complex subject into easily understood terms. These videos usually feature graphics or visual elements such as diagrams and animations designed to simplify complex concepts and processes while presenting information in an entertaining format. They often outline a step-by-step procedure in order to explain the content in detail without disrupting the audience’s focus.
  • Commercial Explainer Videos provide an overview of a company’s services or product offerings within a limited space of time for maximum impact. These types of videos typically have voiceover narration set against upbeat background music with some animation elements incorporated for emphasis on key points and messaging. The purpose of these explainer videos is to have viewers come away with a clear understanding of what makes the product special compared to the competition and why it should be purchased over other options available in the market today.
  • Product Simulation or Demo Explainers feature equipment demonstrations that explain the features and advantages of products as they relate to different user scenarios or challenges. By elaborating on how customers use their products, they can assist prospective customers make well-informed decisions when choosing which solution meets their needs best; whether it be a tool or service that helps them achieve better results or completes tasks faster than before. They may also demonstrate how various tools operate within larger systems, such as explaining exactly how users benefit from integrated software solutions working together seamlessly in tandem with one another.
  • Customer Story Explainers share real user stories about how individuals have had successful end results after using specific products or services by providing customer testimonials along with related visuals about the customer story being presented including images or vlog footage recorded via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. These kinds of video statements provide helpful authenticity around certain topics by making it easier for viewers connect with potential customers who had similar experiences like them – creating both trustworthiness between customers/producers along with organic publicity – even on social media platforms too!

What are the different styles of Explainer Videos?

There are many different styles of explainer videos that can be created, each one suited to showcasing different concepts and products.

  • 2D Animation incorporates two-dimensional images that move on a flat surface and creates engaging motion graphics for maximum video appeal.
  • 3D Animation creates three-dimensional models which appear life-like and allow for the possibility of full animation sequences.
  • Motion Graphics use animations and digital artistry to create eye-catching visuals that communicate complex ideas in a simple manner.
  • Kinetic Typography is a fascinating form of animation in which words take on their own movement paths to enhance visual communications.
  • Cutout Animation utilizes paper cutouts – solid pieces of colour shapes with graphics or pictures on them – that can move around during production creating interesting perspectives and effects.
  • Whiteboard Videos generally involve drawing words or images on white background drawing audiences into the subject matter presented while keeping them visually engaged throughout the message’s runtime.
  • Live action requires little explanation because it is exactly as described: filming real people doing real acts in front of camera instead of employing models or CGI technology.

By combining multiple elements from any selection listed above, extraordinary productions can come alive -allowing producers to customize messages according to the desired outcome for viewership perception.

The Production Process Of An Explainer Video

 The production process of an explainer video typically consists of several distinct stages. Each stage of the process is essential to the successful creation of an explainer video.

  1. The first stage of the production process is pre-production. This is where the project’s objectives, budget, and timeline are established and an outline of the video is created. During this phase, the script is written, storyboards are created, and the overall look and feel of the video is determined. This stage is key to ensuring the project runs smoothly and efficiently throughout the entire production process.
  2. The second stage of the production process is production. This is where the actual video is shot and all the elements come together. During this phase, the voice-over is recorded, the video footage is shot, and the graphics, sound, and music are added. This stage also includes any animations or special effects that are needed for the video. Once the production stage is complete, the video is ready for post-production.
  3. The final stage of the production process is post-production. This is where the video is polished and finalized. During this stage, the video is edited, the transitions are added, and the sound and music are mixed. At this point, any additional effects or animations can be added if needed. Once the post-production stage is complete, the explainer video is ready for the client to review and approve.

To ensure an effective final product, the video production company needs to understand your business objectives during pre-production so they can craft a compelling story for your explainer video which resonates with viewers. Working together throughout the whole process will result in a successful outcome that meets both parties’ expectations. By understanding each step involved in bringing an explainer video to life, businesses can take full advantage of its potential benefits…

Creating A Compelling Story For Your Explainer Video

Creating a compelling story for your explainer video can be the most critical aspect of making it a successful one. It is essential to crafting the story in such a way that it resonates with viewers and draws them into the narrative. By creating an interesting plot, introducing relatable characters, developing engaging conflicts, and delivering emotionally charged scenes, you can make sure that viewers are sufficiently engaged from start to finish. It is also important to use storytelling techniques like suspense, flashbacks, and metaphors that evoke an emotional response from viewers.

A compelling story adds depth to your explainer video and engages viewers on different levels. Furthermore, it gives your message more clarity by using creative visuals and elements to flesh out detailed illustrations of abstract concepts or ideas. This ensures that viewers understand your video’s core message without losing interest or having difficulty following along. Additionally, it increases their confidence in its accuracy as they take away multiple pieces of evidence that they can form into an overall understanding of what you’re trying to communicate in the video itself.

When done properly, a well-crafted narrative within an explainer video helps create stronger bonds between brand and consumer while providing amusing entertainment at the same time. It ignites a desire in viewers to learn more about what’s being offered and how it applies directly to their wants and needs. That’s why building an interesting yet factual story for your explainer video is key if you want it to stand out from the others competing for attention online.

With these tips in mind, let’s explore how visuals play an important role in explainer videos…

The Power Of Visuals In Explainer Videos

Visuals are incredibly powerful when it comes to explainer videos. They can help draw in prospective customers and increase engagement with a piece of content on social media platforms. In fact, many explainer video companies focus heavily on creating visuals that look stunning and convey the message clearly.

When used as part of an overall marketing strategy, visuals have been known to make or break any explainer video. Even if you have compelling copywriting, without powerful visuals to back it up your message won’t be heard by viewers. That’s why so much time is spent crafting each frame and making sure all elements come together cohesively.

Explainer videos rely on strong visuals to captivate their audience right away and keep them engaged until the end. It requires skilful editing, motion graphics and sound design to create a memorable experience for the viewer. Moving forward, understanding how important visual storytelling is will be critical for achieving success with this type of content. As we explore reasons why explainer videos are effective, it’s worth keeping in mind how vital visuals are for this kind of content.

Why Explainer Videos Are Effective?

Explainer videos’ effectiveness comes from their ability to succinctly express ideas while engaging the viewer. They’re great for capturing attention and delivering a memorable impression of your brand.

Explainers also work well when used as part of content-marketing campaigns and website pages. By combining visuals with audio, educational content is more easily accessible than ever before. This benefits those seeking knowledge about a particular subject and the businesses providing it.

Explainer videos can reach large audiences in a very timely manner since viewers can absorb material faster than if they were reading text alone. Brands that utilise this style of video tend to enjoy higher conversion rates due to people being more likely to remember what they have seen in comparison to what they read.

Explainers also reduce bounce rate as potential customers spend more time on sites that contain videos rather than those without them; lasting engagement leads to higher rankings on search engines such as Google and Bing, allowing for increased organic exposure for brands when desired keywords are searched for by web users.

When trying to differentiate one’s business from the competitors’, explainer videos can aid brand recall considerably due to the highly memorable nature of the cartoon images utilized in their creation – unique iconography combined with distinctive animations make it difficult for customers not to remember who provided what they’re looking for once their minds form such vivid images associated with where they found it first!

How to make your explainer video stand out?

Animations, narration, and movements all come together to make an explainer video stand out. When creating an explainer video, there are key components that need to be included in order for it to be successful. Here are some tips on how to make your explainer video stand out:

Firstly, you need to craft a strong narrative for your explainer video. You should think of an interesting story that grabs the viewer’s attention and focuses on the benefit they will get from using or buying your product or service. Having a good plot with characters helps create an emotional connection between the brand and its viewers.

Secondly, make sure to use visuals that reflect your brand. Selecting colours that fit in with your logo or selecting similar fonts can help tie everything together cohesively and give the brand a professional look and feel. Using bright colours with high contrast can also be beneficial when making sure each element stands out individually throughout the video.

Thirdly, provide advantages of your product clearly by having characters provide concrete examples of how they are helped by this product/service within 30-45 seconds of video time. Additionally, showing any results from surveys or research gives credibility to what you’re promoting as viewers can relate more easily to data-driven information than abstract ideas alone.

Finally, make sure to end with a call-to-action where users take action in completing tasks leading up to actually buying your products/services such as signing up for emails or downloading content onto their devices first before moving them along the sales funnel eventually leading them towards purchasing whatever it is you’re selling!

Strategies For Promoting Your Explainer Video

When crafting a promotional video, it’s essential to come up with strategies for promoting the finished product. After all, a great explainer video is useless without an audience. As such, consider these steps as a compass on how to navigate your way towards reaching your customer base in the most effective manner possible.

Firstly, put your product into action by simply showcasing examples of explainer videos you’ve created and take advantage of social media channels like YouTube, Facebook or Instagram. Posting links online can be a great way to draw attention from potential viewers and create interest in what you have produced. Think of this as providing sneak peeks into your work before its release – like throwing out bait that will eventually lead people back to where they need to go.

Secondly, leverage word-of-mouth marketing through influencers who could help spread the word about what you are doing. Involving them in the creative process itself can add credibility and authenticity when talking about your explainer videos; allowing their unique voice to advocate for yours may just do wonders for generating more buzz about what you’re offering!

Finally, why not explore avenues outside of traditional advertising techniques? Consider looking into interactive campaigns that bring together user engagement and dynamic content experiences so that customers don’t feel bombarded with ads but instead welcomed by interesting stories they want to be part of. By taking such approaches during promotion stages, you ensure that audiences remain engaged throughout the entire journey leading up to the reveal of your final explainer video production.

Why should you consider animated explainer videos?

Animated explainer videos are often a more attractive, persuasive, cost-effective and accessible way to reach audiences. Their engaging nature helps people understand complex information quickly, as well as boosting brand recognition and recall due to their distinctive, memorable visual styles. Animations also benefit from the flexibility that live-action explainer videos don’t have, as it’s much easier and cheaper to edit animated visuals than footage of real people or locations. Here’s a table with the main advantages of animated explainers.

BenefitAnimated Explainers
Creative FreedomAnimated explainers offer a wide range of creative possibilities, including the ability to visualize abstract concepts and scenarios that would be difficult or impossible to convey with live action.
CostAnimated explainers are generally less expensive than live-action explainers, as they don’t require location scouting, casting, or filming equipment. They can also be more cost-effective in the long term, as they can be easily updated and modified without the need for new footage.
FlexibilityAnimated explainers offer greater flexibility in terms of revisions, as they can be easily modified even after they’ve been completed. This makes them ideal for companies that want to make changes to their message or branding over time.
Brand ConsistencyAnimated explainers can help to maintain brand consistency by using consistent visuals and messaging across different platforms and campaigns. This is particularly important for companies with a strong brand identity or those that want to establish a new brand identity.
Targeting Specific AudiencesAnimated explainers can be tailored to specific audiences by using different styles, colours, and themes. This makes them ideal for companies that want to reach different segments of their target market with different messaging.
Simplifying Complex IdeasAnimated explainers are ideal for simplifying complex or abstract ideas, as they can break them down into easy-to-understand visuals and concepts. This can help to increase engagement and retention among viewers.

What To Avoid When Creating An Explainer Video

Creating a high-quality explainer video can be a great way to promote your product or service. But, when making one, there are some things you should avoid if you want to have the best results possible. Poor-quality videos and animations that don’t accurately represent your actual products or services can turn potential customers away from your business.

When creating an explainer video, it’s important not to rely too heavily on stock footage and 2D character animations as they might give off a cheap vibe. When showing software products in particular, 3D animation is generally more effective at conveying information than 2D animation due to its realism and lifelike movements. These are key elements of any successful explainer video!

By avoiding these pitfalls while producing the video content, viewers will be able to better understand the purpose of your message and take actionable steps towards engaging with your company or brand. Therefore, it’s essential that creativity is incorporated into each aspect of production – this includes scripting, storyboarding, animating and editing – so that viewers can recognize the value behind what you’re presenting them with. With careful planning and creative execution, you can craft an effective explainer video that resonates with people and drives conversions for your business.

Best Practices For Creating An Explainer Video

Creating an effective explainer video is an essential skill for any marketer. To tell a story, capture attention and convince viewers to take action, one must know how to properly create and promote it.

  1. Determine a goal for the explainer video. Whether it be driving sales, increasing brand awareness or something else entirely, having a goal in mind will allow you to craft a more persuasive video that resonates with viewers.
  2. Create a script or storyboard that directly supports your business goal. This script should include key messages in easy-to-understand language that outlines what viewers will be learning in the video as well as key call-to-actions that help further their understanding of the message and encourage them to take action.
  3.  Consider video style and animation. Here there are various options to explore depending on preference such as 2D characters, whiteboard animation or mix of both but ensure it will align strategically with your target audience’s style preferences.
  4. Consider voiceovers – whether it is a soft or energetic tone intended – understand what types of accent work best with visuals, then hire relevant voices accordingly.
  5. Choose the right background music. Make sure to select soundtracks which are non-distracting yet still emotionally captivating enough able build engagement between viewers and your message while they watch your video.

Finally , test out different lengths – some topics require deeper explorations…others don’t need as much time ! Try A/B testing various clips from 15-second bites all the way up to 3 minutes . See what works best & further refine techniques for future productions .

How To Measure The Success Of Your Explainer Video

Measuring the success of an explainer video is key for any business looking to use this format for their marketing efforts, as it ensures that the goals set are met. One way to evaluate the effectiveness of an explainer video is by analyzing its view rate, which is the number of views divided by its estimated reach. This reveals how many viewers actively engaged with the content. Additionally, tracking viewer retention and engagement throughout the duration of a video will show where certain parts resulted in people tuning out or skipping ahead.

Monitoring audience reactions through surveys and social media provides valuable insights into which aspects might require improvement when creating future videos. Furthermore, examining current customer feedback can help identify pain points that are not addressed in an explainer video and should be included in order to ensure maximum success.

Analyzing website analytics can also give insight into how viewers interact with the product or service after viewing a video. Such metrics include bounce rate, average session duration, and the total number of page views among others. Any increase in these numbers might indicate that a viewer was interested enough to investigate further.

Finally, monitoring improvements in brand awareness and lead generation will give companies more insight into what audience is most responsive to their message as well as how successful their overall efforts are at generating leads from potential customers exposed to their Explainer Video. By keeping track of such factors businesses can get a clear picture of whether or not their explainer videos were effective at achieving their goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Average Cost Of Producing An Explainer Video?

According to the data, an average explainer video costs between $2,000-$5,000. That’s a pretty hefty price tag! But when you consider that these videos are typically used for marketing purposes and have the potential to reach millions of viewers, investing in one can be worth it.

The cost of producing an explainer video depends on many factors such as animation style, length of the video, voiceover talent needed etc. Generally speaking, if you want a high-quality product with cutting-edge animation and music effects then you should expect to pay more than if you were just looking for something simple. Additionally, using specialized software or hiring professionals may also increase your production costs significantly.

What Is The Most Suitable Length For An Explainer Video?

When it comes to producing an explainer video, the length of the video is a critical factor. Depending on the purpose and audience of your explainer video, choosing the right duration can make or break its success. Here’s what you need to know about finding the most suitable length for your explainer video:

  • Shorter videos are more effective at getting people’s attention quickly and delivering key points in a concise manner. The ideal time range for these types of videos is between 1-2 minutes.
  • Longer videos allow for more detailed storytelling and provide viewers with enough information to understand how products and services work without overwhelming them. Videos that run from 2-3 minutes tend to be effective in this regard.
  • If you’re aiming to create comprehensive educational material, then longer videos may be necessary. These can range anywhere from 3-5 minutes depending on your message and goals.
  • For social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, short 15-second teaser clips are often used to grab people’s attention before redirecting them back to longer versions of the same content elsewhere.
  • Lastly, if you have multiple topics that need covering then shorter separate videos should be considered instead of one long piece of content; this will enable each topic to receive sufficient coverage while keeping viewer engagement high throughout all parts of your explainer video series.

Ultimately, when deciding what length your explainer video should be it’s important to consider who your target audience is and what outcome(s) you want from their viewing experience once they reach the end credits – this way you can ensure that you meet those expectations by providing them with just enough content without overcomplicating things or losing their interest mid-way through!

How Long Does It Take To Create An Explainer Video?

“Time is money,” as the saying goes, and this couldn’t be truer when it comes to creating an explainer video. How long does it take to produce a quality explainer video? To answer that question, one must consider several factors such as the complexity of the project, its length, animation requirements, graphics design components, etc.

The production process for an explainer video typically involves three stages: pre-production (scripting and storyboarding); production (shooting or animating footage); and post-production (editing and adding sound). Depending on the type of animation used — 2D/3D motion graphics or whiteboard illustrations — each stage can take anywhere from a few days up to several weeks. For example, if you prefer 3D motion graphics with complex animations then your production could easily range between two to four weeks. If you opt for simpler whiteboard illustrations then you may finish in less time – around one week.

When evaluating turnaround times for your next explainer video project remember that short doesn’t always mean better; however, investing more time into scripting and storyboarding can result in higher-quality videos that are easier to understand and retain viewers’ attention longer. So take your time planning out what kind of explainer video works best for your business objectives before beginning the production process.


As we have seen, explainer videos can provide a myriad of benefits to businesses. They are one of the easiest and most cost-effective forms to produce, allowing organizations the opportunity to explain complex concepts in a short amount of time. Moreover, they can be used for various purposes such as sales, marketing, training, education and providing information.

By integrating explainer videos into different aspects of their marketing plan, companies can grow their brand awareness and increase visibility. It is also beneficial in creating a lasting impression among audiences. All this translates into an invaluable long-term business strategy that helps organizations truly become successful.

Therefore, investing in explainer videos certainly has its advantages and should be taken advantage of by any business looking to improve its performance. The results may very well be worth it!

This article was written by Creative Island's founder Filipe Bastos. Beyond being the owner of the studio, Filipe has a background in philosophy and psychology, and loves reading and writing about anything related to human nature. He brings his unique perspective and insights to the work he does, including creating engaging and effective animated explainer videos for startups and small businesses.

Say goodbye to dull and generic videos!

Let's work together to create an animation that will bring your story to life in a memorable and impactful way!
