

Finding the right price for video production can often feel like a challenging puzzle. With costs ranging from $65 to $225 per hour just for basic editing, it’s clear that there’s a wide spectrum in pricing.

This blog post will demystify the process, highlighting key factors affecting costs and providing insight into different pricing models within the industry. Intrigued? Let’s dive in and explore how you can get quality videos without breaking your budget!

Key Takeaways

  • Video production costs can vary greatly, with factors such as project management expensesscript development costshiring talent, and location expenses all contributing to the overall price.
  • The average cost of hiring a video production company is around $100 to $149 per hour for their services. Additional costs for script development, on-screen talent, visual assets, music licensing fees, and overheads should also be considered.
  • There are different pricing models in video production, including day rates and custom packages. Custom packages offer tailored solutions to fit individual client needs and budgets.
  • By understanding the factors affecting video production costs and exploring different pricing options, you can plan and budget effectively while still achieving professional results.

Factors Affecting Video Production Cost

Several factors can significantly impact the cost of video production.

Project management and coordination expenses

Project management and coordination play a pivotal role in dictating the cost of video production. It’s an essential element often hidden behind the scenes, ensuring everything runs smoothly from start to finish.

With prices that can fluctuate between $25 to $250 per hour, it includes facets such as planning, task scheduling, resource allocation and quality control. These tasks might seem simple on paper but require seasoned professionals with extensive industry knowledge for effective execution.

This crucial pre-production phase sets the foundation for your video project by creating a streamlined workflow, thus having a direct impact on the final production costs.

Script development costs

Script development costs are a significant part of the total video production price. This process involves creating a gripping narrative that resonates with your audience, gets your message across effectively and aligns perfectly with your brand image.

Costs can range from $50 to $150 per hour, depending on the complexity and length of the script. High-profile projects like Fortune 500 video projects or broadcast commercials may even shell out between $2,500 and $10,000 daily for this stage.

The diverse cost spectrum is influenced by various factors such as project requirements and objectives. For instance, big-name corporates might spend well above $500,000 on script development for commercial shoots due to their demand for top-tier quality scripts that boost product appeal significantly on a global scale.

Despite its potential high cost influencing the average cost of video production markedly, script development remains pivotal in professional marketing video production as it dictates the direction of every other stage in the video creation process.

Hiring on-screen talent

Securing on-screen talent for your video project is a crucial aspect that can significantly influence the total cost of video production. However, it largely depends on several factors such as demand, experience, location and union rates.

Such professionals’ charges vary widely; some models or actors might ask for as little as $50 per hour, while high-demand ones could charge up to $500 per hour or even more. In certain situations, video production budgets earmark roughly $1,000 per video solely for covering these expenses.

Therefore, considering the potentially significant impact this can have on your final video price tag, careful selection and negotiation with potential talents become paramount when managing the production timeline and budget effectively.

Visual assets and special effects costs

Visual assets and special effects can significantly impact the cost of video production. Including high-quality images, videos, or illustrations in your video adds an extra layer of professionalism and engagement for your audience.

However, obtaining these visual assets often involves additional expenses, as you may need to purchase stock footage or hire a professional photographer/videographer. Moreover, if you want to include special effects such as CGI or motion graphics in your video, it requires skilled professionals who specialize in these areas.

Keep in mind that the complexity and level of detail required for these visual elements will also affect the overall cost. So when planning your video production budget, be sure to factor in any costs associated with incorporating visual assets and special effects into your project.

Motion graphics and animation pricing

Motion graphics and animation pricing can vary depending on several factors. The style and length of the animation play a significant role in determining the production costs. For example, whiteboard and infographic-style videos are more cost-effective options compared to cartoon-style animations, which tend to be higher in cost.

Additionally, the need for a professional team with experience in creating engaging animations contributes to the overall pricing. Factors like custom graphics, motion graphics, and web-based tools for animation are also considered when calculating video production costs.

It’s important to keep these aspects in mind when budgeting for animated motion graphic videos as they can significantly impact the final price.

Location expenses

Location expenses are an important factor to consider when determining the cost of video production. The specific location where the video is shot can impact the overall budget and production costs.

Different locations may require additional equipment, permits, or even travel expenses for the crew. For example, shooting a video in a remote outdoor location might incur transportation and accommodation costs for the crew, as well as specialized equipment to capture footage in challenging environments.

On the other hand, filming in a studio or indoor setting could involve rental fees for props or sets. So it’s crucial to carefully plan and assess location options during pre-production to ensure that your production stays within budget without compromising on quality.

Music licensing fees

One important factor that affects the cost of video production is music licensing fees. When including music in your video, you need to obtain the necessary rights and licenses to use copyrighted songs.

The cost of these licenses can vary depending on factors such as the popularity of the songs and where they will be licensed. For example, royalty-free music for videos can start as low as £8 for a 2- to 3-minute track, while hiring a professional composer or licensing popular songs can cost anywhere from £400 to over £800.

It’s crucial to factor in these fees when budgeting for your video production project to ensure compliance with copyright laws and create a high-quality final product.

Video production crew costs

The cost of hiring a video production crew can vary depending on various factors. Experienced crew members typically charge between $25 to $75 per hour, per person. However, the rates may fluctuate based on the scope of the project, equipment used, freelancer experience, and location.

It’s important to consider these factors when budgeting for your video production needs.

Video rendering and compression time

Video rendering and compression time are crucial factors that contribute to the overall cost of video production. These stages in the production process involve converting raw footage into a high-quality, compressed format for playback on various platforms and devices.

Efficient rendering and compression processes can help optimize production costs without compromising the video’s quality. It is important to consider these aspects alongside other factors affecting the production cost, such as script development, hiring talent, location expenses, and music licensing fees.

Planning for additional requirements in the production workflow can also minimize cost increases for extra minutes of video. By understanding these elements, you can better estimate and budget for your video project while ensuring a professional end result.

Overhead costs

Overhead costs are an essential factor to consider when budgeting for video production. These costs can significantly impact the overall price of a project and include expenses such as equipment rentallocation feesinsurance, and other administrative charges.

It’s important to keep in mind that overhead costs vary depending on factors like market, expertise, reputation, and creative studio charges. Additionally, the processing speed of the computer used in video production can also affect pricing as higher speeds often come with higher costs.

By considering these overhead costs upfront, you can ensure that your video production stays within budget while still delivering high-quality results.

Understanding Video Production Pricing Models

Video production pricing models can vary greatly, with options like day rates and custom packages. Want to know the typical rates for video production services and how to find value for your budget? Keep reading!

Day rates

One of the key factors in determining video production cost is the day rate. This rate encompasses the pre-production work and equipment expenses involved in creating a high-quality video.

On average, the day rate for video production ranges from $1600 to $1000, depending on the complexity and length of the project. This includes services such as scripting, directing, shooting, editing, and more.

By understanding day rates and how they contribute to overall pricing models, you can better plan and budget for your video production needs.

Custom packages

Custom packages in video production offer tailored solutions to fit individual client needs and budgets. These packages allow clients to select specific services and features they require for their video production project.

By offering custom packages, video production companies can cater to a wide range of clients with different requirements and budgets. Clients can benefit from custom packages by having greater control over the cost and quality of their video production project.

Custom packages may include options for scriptwriting, concept development, crew size, equipment, editing, and post-production. The pricing of custom packages is typically determined based on the specific services and features included.

What are the typical rates for video production services?

Typical rates for video production services can vary depending on several factors such as the complexity of the videoduration, and level of expertise required. On average, video production companies charge between $100 and $149 per hour for their services.

Day rates are also a common pricing model, ranging from $1,000 to $1,600 per day. For specific projects like outsourced marketing videos, costs can range from $1,200 for a basic video to as much as $50,000 for a premium production.

It’s important to note that these rates are just averages and can be significantly higher or lower based on your unique requirements.

What is the average cost of hiring a video production company?

On average, hiring a professional video production company can cost you around $100 to $149 per hour for their services. This rate may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the video, the type of video production required, and the expertise of the production team.

It’s important to keep in mind that additional costs for script developmenton-screen talentvisual assets, location expenses, and music licensing fees may also be involved. Overall, understanding the average cost of hiring a video production company is crucial for budgeting and planning your marketing or corporate videos effectively.

Tips to Save Money on Video Production

To save money on video production, consider low-cost video options, find ways to make multiple videos affordable, and prioritize finding value for your budget without compromising quality.

Low-cost video options

  • Use a smartphone and a basic tripod to shoot your video. High – quality videos can be made with just these two tools.
  • Utilize natural lighting to eliminate the need for expensive lighting equipment. Shoot your videos outdoors or near windows to benefit from natural light.
  • Opt for free or affordable video editing software. There are many options available, such as iMovie, Lightworks, and Hitfilm Express.
  • Consider using stock footage and images instead of hiring a video production company for custom visuals. Websites like Shutterstock and Adobe Stock offer affordable options.
  • Take advantage of royalty – free music resources like YouTube Audio Library or SoundCloud’s Creative Commons section.
  • Explore DIY motion graphics tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create professional-looking animations without the need for expensive software or designers.
  • Collaborate with local universities or film schools to find aspiring filmmakers who may be willing to work on projects at a lower cost or even for free in exchange for experience and portfolio building.
  • Keep your video duration shorter. Shorter videos not only save time and money but also tend to hold viewers’ attention better.
  • Plan ahead and storyboard your video before shooting. This will help minimize reshoots and unnecessary expenses during the production process.

Remember, low-cost options don’t necessarily mean compromising quality. With some creativity and resourcefulness, you can produce a great video that fits within your budget.

Making multiple videos affordable

Creating multiple videos can be a cost-effective way to expand your video content and reach a wider audience. Here are some tips to make multiple videos more affordable:

  1. Plan ahead: Before starting your video production, outline all the videos you want to create. This will help you identify common themes, shots, and resources that can be reused across multiple videos.
  2. Repurpose existing footage: If you have previously created videos or have unused footage, consider repurposing it for new videos. With some editing and creativity, you can give old footage a fresh look and save on production costs.
  3. Use video templates: Instead of creating every video from scratch, utilize ready-to-use video templates that match your brand style. These templates often come with customizable elements like text and graphics, allowing you to create professional-looking videos quickly and at a lower cost.
  4. Batch shooting: Plan your video shoots strategically by combining similar scenes or setups for different videos into one session. This will save time and resources by avoiding multiple location set-ups or hiring talent separately for each video.
  5. DIY approach: Depending on the complexity of your videos, consider taking a DIY approach by filming them yourself using affordable equipment like smartphones or entry-level cameras. With proper planning and attention to detail, you can still achieve high-quality results without breaking the bank.
  6. Negotiate discounts with vendors: If you are working with external vendors for certain aspects of your video production (such as voice-overs or music licensing), try negotiating bulk discounts for multiple projects. Many vendors offer flexible pricing options for long-term partnerships.
  7. Collaborate with influencers or customers: Consider featuring influencers or satisfied customers in your videos instead of hiring professional actors or models. Not only does this add authenticity to your content but also reduces costs associated with talent fees.

Finding value for your budget

  • Determine your budget range before starting the video production process.
  • Research and compare different video production companies to find the best value for your budget.
  • Consider the quality of their previous work and client testimonials to ensure you get a high – quality video.
  • Look for video production packages that offer comprehensive services within your budget.
  • Negotiate with the production company to see if they can customize a package specifically tailored to your needs and budget.
  • Take advantage of cost – saving opportunities, such as bundling multiple videos or shooting at one location.
  • Optimize your video production by prioritizing essential elements and cutting back on unnecessary expenses.
  • Communicate openly with the production team about your budget limitations so they can provide alternative options without compromising quality.
  • Utilize in – house resources or DIY solutions whenever possible to save on costs.
  • Explore innovative and cost – effective techniques, such as animation or motion graphics, to enhance visual appeal without breaking the bank.

Tips for reducing costs without compromising quality

  1. Plan and script your video carefully to avoid costly revisions and reshoots.
  2. Choose a realistic runtime for your video to minimize production time and expenses.
  3. Opt for a simple and minimalist set design to reduce the need for costly props and decorations.
  4. Use existing locations or your own premises as shooting locations to avoid expensive studio rentals.
  5. Work with local talent and crew to save on travel expenses and accommodation costs.
  6. Consider using stock footage or royalty – free music instead of creating custom visuals or licensing popular songs.
  7. Explore DIY options for certain aspects of video production, such as scriptwriting or basic editing, to cut down on professional service fees.
  8. Use efficient project management tools to streamline communication and collaboration, saving time and reducing coordination expenses.
  9. Prioritize essential elements of the video production process, focusing on what will have the most impact on your target audience.
  10. Regularly review your budget throughout the production process to identify areas where costs can be trimmed without compromising quality.


  • Keeping videos short can help reduce video production costs as longer videos require additional shots, locations, and editing time, which can increase expenses.
  • Providing the location for the production can be a cost-saving measure, as studios and off-site locations tend to be expensive.
  • Discussing the number of rounds of edits upfront can be crucial when pricing video production, as it helps set expectations and avoid unexpected costs.
  • There are 35 factors that impact video production costs, and understanding these factors can help in determining and managing overall expenses.
  • Effective strategies such as budget – setting, location scouting, and data management can help reduce costs on film production without compromising quality.
  • The average cost of video production is typically around $1000 to $5000 per finished minute, as agreed by most production companies
  • Being selective about the location choice is another way to save money on corporate video production.
  • Agreeing upfront on the number of rounds of edits in the project can help in managing costs and avoiding budget overruns.
  • Shorter videos generally have a lower price tag compared to longer videos due to reduced production requirements.
  • Providing the location for video production can be a significant cost-saving measure, as it eliminates the need to rent expensive studios or off-site locations.


In conclusion, understanding the factors that affect video production costs is crucial for planning and budgeting. By considering elements such as project management expensesscript development costshiring talent, and post-production requirements, you can make informed decisions about your video production pricing.

Remember to explore various options like low-cost videos or custom packages to find value for your budget while still creating high-quality content. With careful planning and cost-saving tips in mind, you can achieve professional results without breaking the bank.


Q: What is professional video production?

A: Professional video production refers to the process of creating high-quality videos for various purposes, such as corporate videos, marketing videos, explainer videos, promotional videos, and more. It involves a team of skilled professionals who handle all aspects of video production, including planning, scripting, shooting, editing, and post-production.

Q: How much does video production cost?

A: The cost of video production can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of video, duration, complexity, location, equipment needed, and the level of expertise required. On average, video production can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

Q: What are the video production cost breakdown?

A: The video production cost breakdown typically includes expenses for pre-production (concept development, scriptwriting, storyboarding), production (shooting, equipment rental, crew), and post-production (editing, sound design, color grading). Additional costs may also include talent fees, travel expenses, and any special effects or animation required.

Q: How do I hire a video production company?

A: To hire a video production company, you can start by researching and comparing different companies based on their portfolios, client reviews, and expertise in your desired video style. You can request quotes from multiple companies and discuss your project requirements with them to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

Q: Can I do video production myself (DIY)?

A: Yes, you can do video production yourself if you have the necessary skills, equipment, and time. DIY video production can be cost-effective, especially for smaller projects. However, for high-quality, professional videos, it is advisable to hire a video production company that has the expertise and resources to deliver the desired results.

Q: What video production services are offered by professional companies?

A: Professional video production companies offer a wide range of services, including concept development, scriptwriting, storyboarding, location scouting, casting, shooting, editing, motion graphics, animation, color grading, sound design, and post-production. They can handle all stages of the video production process to create a polished and engaging video.

Q: How much does it cost to create an explainer video?

A: The cost to create an explainer video can vary depending on factors such as the length of the video, complexity of the animation, level of customization, and the specific requirements of the project. On average, explainer videos can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

Q: What is the average hourly rate for video production?

A: The average hourly rate for video production can vary depending on factors such as the location, the level of expertise required, and the specific services included. On average, hourly rates for video production can range from $75 to $250 per hour.

Q: How long does a video may take to produce?

A: The time it takes to produce a video depends on various factors, including the complexity of the project, the length of the video, the availability of resources, and the post-production requirements. On average, it can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to produce a video.

Q: How much does video marketing cost?

A: The cost of video marketing can vary depending on factors such as the platforms used for distribution, the target audience, the frequency of content creation, and the level of production quality. It can involve expenses for creating videos, promoting them on various channels, and monitoring their performance. It is advisable to allocate a dedicated budget for video marketing based on your specific goals and needs.

This article was written by Creative Island's founder Filipe Bastos. Beyond being the owner of the studio, Filipe has a background in philosophy and psychology, and loves reading and writing about anything related to human nature. He brings his unique perspective and insights to the work he does, including creating engaging and effective animated explainer videos for startups and small businesses.

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