
Explainer videos are a powerful tool for engaging your audience, and creating a well-structured outline is essential for their success. Whether you’re looking to introduce a product, explain a concept, or promote a service, an explainer video can effectively communicate your message in a concise and engaging way.

Before diving into the production process, it’s important to understand the different types of explainer videos available. Animated explainer videos use creative animations to bring concepts to life, while whiteboard videos involve hand-drawn animations on a whiteboard. If you prefer a more realistic approach, live action videos featuring real actors and screencast videos capturing the screen can be effective options. Additionally, talking head videos, where a person directly addresses the camera, can create a personal connection with your viewers.

The purpose of an explainer video is to introduce your product or service in a clear and engaging manner. Research has shown that people prefer watching explainer videos over reading text, making them a valuable tool for conveying information. To improve viewer engagement, consider including captions in your videos, as this can help captivate their attention and enhance understanding.

When it comes to the length of your explainer video, aim for around one minute to keep it concise and to the point. Shorter videos, under 15 seconds, are particularly effective for generating shares on social channels and capturing viewers’ attention.

Producing explainer videos can vary in cost depending on factors such as the type of video, its length, and the resources required. However, there are also budget-friendly options available, allowing you to create compelling explainer videos without breaking the bank.

Writing a captivating script is crucial for an effective explainer video. Start by identifying the story behind your product or service and distill it into a simple and concise format. Bring your viewers into the story by adding relatable elements and emotions. Additionally, adjust the script to accommodate voice-over narration if necessary. Keep in mind that brevity is key, so aim for a brief and impactful script that gets your message across.

Remember, showing rather than telling is essential in explainer videos. Utilize visuals, animations, and demonstrations to engage your audience and deliver your message effectively. By following these steps and crafting a strong script, you can create an explainer video that not only grabs attention but also leaves a lasting impression on your viewers.

Key Takeaways:

  • An explainer video is a powerful tool for engaging your audience and conveying your message effectively.
  • There are different types of explainer videos, including animated, whiteboard, live action, screencast, and talking head videos, each with its unique characteristics and benefits.
  • Explainer videos are effective in introducing products or services and are preferred by viewers over reading text.
  • Consider including captions in your explainer videos to enhance viewer engagement and understanding.
  • Aim for a one-minute video length to keep it concise, but shorter videos under 15 seconds can be highly shareable on social channels.

Types of Explainer Videos

Before diving into the outline creation process, it’s important to understand the various types of explainer videos available. These videos are a powerful tool for effectively communicating with your audience and conveying information in an engaging way.

Type of Explainer Video Characteristics Benefits
Animated Explainer Videos Utilize creative animations to explain concepts Engaging visuals that capture attention and simplify complex information
Whiteboard Videos Feature hand-drawn animations on a whiteboard Provide a visually appealing and interactive experience
Live Action Videos Use real actors and filming equipment Create a personal and relatable connection with viewers
Screencast Videos Capture the screen to demonstrate a product or process Showcase the functionality of a product or guide users through a process
Talking Head Videos Feature a person speaking directly into the camera Establish credibility and build trust with the audience

The purpose of an explainer video is to introduce a product or service in a clear and engaging way. Studies have shown that people prefer watching explainer videos over reading text, and they are effective in helping users understand products or services. To enhance viewer engagement, it is recommended to include captions in explainer videos. Captions not only make the content accessible to a wider audience but also reinforce the message by providing a visual and auditory experience.

Optimizing Video Length and Engagement

The ideal length for an explainer video is around one minute. However, shorter videos of under 15 seconds can generate more shares on social channels due to their bite-sized format. It’s important to capture the viewer’s attention quickly and convey the essential information within the given timeframe. A concise and engaging video will keep the audience interested and increase the likelihood of sharing and conversion.

When creating an explainer video, the cost of production can vary depending on factors such as the type of video, its length, and the resources required. However, there are ways to create engaging explainer videos on a budget or even for free. By leveraging cost-effective resources, such as DIY animation tools or utilizing existing talent within the organization, businesses can create professional-looking videos without breaking the bank.

In summary, explainer videos are an effective communication tool that can help businesses engage their audience and convey their message in a clear and concise manner. By understanding the different types of explainer videos available and optimizing the video length and engagement, businesses can create impactful videos that resonate with their target audience.

Purpose and Benefits of Explainer Videos

Explainer videos serve as an effective way to introduce products or services, providing clear and engaging explanations that capture the audience’s attention. They are an invaluable tool for businesses and organizations looking to communicate their message in a compelling and easily understandable way. By harnessing the power of visuals, storytelling, and concise messaging, explainer videos can effectively convey complex ideas and concepts to a wide range of viewers.

The purpose of an explainer video is to simplify information and make it more accessible to the audience. Whether you are launching a new product, promoting a service, or explaining a concept, an explainer video can help you break down the information into bite-sized, easy-to-understand chunks. By utilizing engaging visuals, compelling narratives, and a concise script, you can capture the viewer’s attention and keep them hooked from start to finish.

There are numerous benefits to incorporating explainer videos into your marketing strategy. Firstly, studies have shown that people prefer watching videos over reading text. By utilizing explainer videos, you can cater to the preferences of your audience and deliver information in a format that is more likely to be consumed and retained. Explainer videos also have the advantage of being highly shareable, allowing your message to reach a wider audience through social media platforms.

Moreover, explainer videos can help increase user understanding and engagement. By presenting information in a visually appealing and engaging manner, you can effectively communicate key messages, educate viewers about your products or services, and inspire them to take action. Additionally, including captions in explainer videos can enhance viewer engagement, as it allows individuals with hearing impairments or those watching on mute to still follow along and absorb the information being presented.

Benefits of Explainer Videos:
  • Clear and concise explanations
  • Easily understandable for a wide range of viewers
  • Utilizes engaging visuals and storytelling
  • Increases user understanding and engagement
  • Favors viewer preferences for video content
  • Highly shareable through social media
  • Enhances audience reach and brand awareness
  • Incorporates captions for improved accessibility

In conclusion, explainer videos are a valuable asset for businesses and organizations seeking to effectively communicate their message. By simplifying complex information, utilizing engaging visuals, and delivering concise messaging, explainer videos can capture and maintain the audience’s attention, increase user understanding and engagement, and ultimately drive action. Whether you are introducing a new product, explaining a service, or promoting your brand, an explainer video can help you effectively deliver your message and achieve your marketing goals.

Key Elements of an Explainer Video

To create a compelling explainer video outline, it’s important to understand the key elements that make up an effective video. These elements help to engage the audience, convey the message clearly, and ensure that the video delivers its intended purpose. Let’s take a closer look at the essential components:

  1. Script: A well-crafted script forms the foundation of any explainer video. It should be concise, engaging, and tailored to the target audience. The script should outline the problem or pain point, present the solution, and highlight the benefits of the product or service.
  2. Visuals: Visual elements play a crucial role in capturing the viewer’s attention and conveying information. High-quality graphics, animations, and illustrations should be used to enhance the storytelling and reinforce the key messages. The visuals should be consistent with the brand’s identity and create a visually appealing experience.
  3. Voiceover: The voiceover is the audio component of an explainer video that narrates the script. It should have a clear and professional tone, with a voice that matches the brand’s personality. The voiceover should be synchronized with the visuals to create a cohesive and immersive viewing experience.
  4. Music and Sound Effects: Background music and sound effects can elevate the overall impact of the explainer video. The right choice of music can set the mood, evoke emotions, and enhance the storytelling. Sound effects can be used to emphasize important points or add a touch of realism to the visuals.

Structure and Format for Explainer Video

In addition to the key elements mentioned above, the structure and format of the explainer video are crucial for its effectiveness. A well-structured video keeps the viewer engaged and ensures a smooth flow of information. Here is a suggested structure:

  1. Introduction: Start with a captivating hook that grabs the viewer’s attention and introduces the problem or pain point.
  2. Body: Present the solution, benefits, and features of the product or service in a logical and organized manner. Use a combination of visuals, voiceover, and text to effectively convey the information.
  3. Call-to-Action: End the video with a clear and compelling call-to-action that encourages viewers to take the next step, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a free trial, or visiting the website for more information.

By incorporating these key elements and following a well-structured format, you can create an engaging explainer video that effectively communicates your message and resonates with your audience.

Key Elements Importance
Script Forms the foundation of the video, conveying the key messages
Visuals Capture the audience’s attention and visually communicate the information
Voiceover Narrates the script and adds a human touch to the video
Music and Sound Effects Elevate the overall impact and create an immersive viewing experience

Best Practices for Writing an Explainer Video Script

A well-crafted script is the foundation of a successful explainer video, and this section will guide you through the process of creating one. It’s crucial to identify your story and distill it into a simple and concise format that resonates with your audience.

Step 1: Identify Your Story

Before you start writing your script, take the time to understand the core message you want to convey. What problem does your product or service solve? What makes it unique? Once you have a clear understanding of your story, you can begin crafting your script around it.

Step 2: Keep It Concise

Explainer videos are meant to be short and to the point. Aim for a script that is around 150-200 words, which typically translates to a one-minute video. Focus on the key features and benefits of your product or service, and avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information.

Step 3: Show, Don’t Tell

Visual storytelling is powerful, so try to show your audience what your product or service can do, rather than simply telling them. Use visuals, animations, and graphics to bring your script to life and engage viewers.

Key Elements of an Explainer Video Script:
  • Introduction: Grab the viewer’s attention and introduce the problem you’re solving.
  • Explanation: Clearly explain the features and benefits of your product or service.
  • Solution: Show how your product or service solves the problem.
  • Call to Action: Encourage viewers to take the next step, such as signing up for a free trial or contacting you for more information.

“A well-crafted explainer video script combines a compelling story with concise and engaging content.”

Step 4: Bring Emotion into Your Script

Emotion plays a significant role in connecting with your audience, so aim to evoke emotion in your script. Use relatable characters, compelling visuals, and a tone that resonates with your target audience.

By following these best practices and crafting a strong script, you can create an effective explainer video that engages your audience and delivers your message effectively.

Optimizing Length and Engagement

Finding the right balance between video length and viewer engagement is crucial for creating an impactful explainer video. Studies show that the ideal length for an explainer video is around one minute. This duration allows you to convey your message concisely while holding the viewer’s attention. Shorter videos, under 15 seconds, have the potential to generate more shares on social channels, making them ideal for promoting your product or service.

Engaging your audience is key to the success of your explainer video. Including captions in your videos can significantly enhance viewer engagement. Captions help viewers follow along with the video, especially for those who prefer to watch videos without sound or have hearing impairments. Moreover, captions make your video accessible to a wider audience, increasing its reach and impact.

When creating an explainer video, it’s essential to consider the type of video you’re using and its specific purpose. Animated explainer videos are widely used due to their ability to captivate and entertain viewers through creative animations. On the other hand, whiteboard videos provide a more personal and engaging experience as viewers watch hand-drawn animations unfold before their eyes. Live action videos add a human touch, while screencast videos allow you to showcase software or demonstrate a specific process. Talking head videos, where a person speaks directly to the camera, create a sense of connection and trust with the audience.

Type of Explainer Video Key Features
Animated Creative animations
Whiteboard Hand-drawn animations on a whiteboard
Live Action Real actors and filming equipment
Screencast Screen capture to demonstrate a product or process
Talking Head Person speaking directly into the camera

By understanding the different types of explainer videos and their specific benefits, you can choose the most suitable one for reaching your target audience and delivering your message effectively. Remember, an effective explainer video not only educates but also engages your viewers, making them more likely to take action and convert into customers.

Explainer Video Production Options

Explainer videos can be created using various production methods and budgets, and this section will guide you through the available options.

When it comes to creating an explainer video, there are several factors to consider, including the type of video, the budget, and the resources available. Fortunately, there are options for every situation.

1. DIY: If you have a limited budget or want complete creative control, creating an explainer video yourself can be a viable option. There are software tools and online platforms that offer templates and easy-to-use interfaces, making it possible to create professional-looking videos without any prior experience.

2. Freelancers: Hiring a freelance video producer or animator can be a cost-effective option, especially if you have a specific vision for your video. Freelancers often have expertise in specific types of explainer videos, such as animation or live action, allowing you to find the right match for your project.

Production Method Cost Pros Cons
DIY Low Complete control, low budget Requires time and effort, limited resources
Freelancers Varies Expertise, cost-effective Dependent on freelancer availability and quality
Professional Production Companies High High-quality results, extensive resources Expensive, longer production timeline
Online Video Creation Platforms Varies Templates, easy-to-use interfaces May lack customization options

3. Professional Production Companies: If you have a larger budget and want a high-quality, polished video, working with a professional production company is the way to go. These companies have the resources, equipment, and expertise to create a visually stunning and engaging explainer video. However, this option can be more expensive and may require a longer production timeline.

4. Online Video Creation Platforms: There are also online platforms that provide pre-designed templates and easy-to-use interfaces for creating explainer videos. These platforms offer a range of options and customization features, making it possible to create a professional-looking video without the need for technical skills. However, keep in mind that these platforms may have limitations in terms of customization and may not offer the same level of quality as professional production companies.

Ultimately, the production method you choose will depend on your budget, timeline, and desired level of quality. Consider your goals and resources before making a decision, and don’t be afraid to explore different options to find the best fit for your project.

Tips for Creating an Engaging Explainer Video

Beyond the technical aspects, there are certain techniques that can help you create an engaging explainer video that resonates with your audience. It’s important to consider the following tips to ensure your video captures attention and effectively delivers your message:

  1. Identify your story: Every great explainer video starts with a compelling story. Take the time to identify the core message you want to convey and create a narrative that will captivate your audience from beginning to end.
  2. Keep it concise: Attention spans are shrinking, so it’s crucial to keep your script brief and to the point. Focus on the most important information and avoid unnecessary details that may distract or confuse viewers.
  3. Show, don’t tell: Visuals can often communicate information more effectively than words alone. Use images, animations, and graphics to help illustrate your message and engage your audience on a visual level.

As renowned filmmaker Martin Scorsese once said, “Cinema is a matter of what’s in the frame and what’s out.” This principle applies to explainer videos as well. Be deliberate in your shot selection and framing to create visually compelling scenes that enhance the overall viewing experience.

“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.” – Steve Jobs

Adding emotion to your explainer video can help create a deeper connection with your audience. Use music, voiceover, and visual cues to evoke specific emotions that align with your message. Whether it’s excitement, trust, or empathy, infusing your video with emotion can make it more memorable and impactful.

The Power of Captions

One often overlooked aspect of explainer videos is the use of captions. Including captions not only makes your video more accessible to those with hearing impairments, but it also improves viewer engagement. Research has shown that viewers are more likely to watch a video to completion when captions are available, as they can follow along easily and better understand the content being presented.

Benefits of Captions in Explainer Videos
Improved accessibility for viewers with hearing impairments
Increased viewer engagement and retention
Clear communication of key information, even in noisy environments

In conclusion, creating an engaging explainer video requires more than just technical expertise. By identifying your story, keeping your script concise, using visuals effectively, and adding emotion, you can create a video that captures your audience’s attention and delivers your message in a powerful way. Don’t forget the power of captions to enhance viewer engagement and ensure your video is accessible to all. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating an explainer video that truly resonates with your audience.


By following the step-by-step guide and incorporating the key elements discussed, you will be able to create an effective explainer video that captures your audience’s attention and delivers your message seamlessly.

Creating an explainer video is a great way to effectively communicate with your audience. There are different types of explainer videos, including animated, whiteboard, live action, screencast, and talking head videos. Animated explainer videos are the most well-known and use creative animations to explain a concept. Whiteboard videos involve hand-drawn animations on a whiteboard. Live action videos use real actors and filming equipment, while screencast videos capture the screen to demonstrate a product or process. Talking head videos feature a person speaking directly into the camera.

The purpose of an explainer video is to introduce a product or service in a clear and engaging way. They are effective for helping users understand products or services, and studies show that people prefer watching explainer videos over reading text. Additionally, including captions in explainer videos can help improve viewer engagement. The ideal length for an explainer video is around one minute, and videos under 15 seconds can generate more shares on social channels.

The cost of producing explainer videos can vary depending on factors such as type, length, and resources. However, there are ways to create explainer videos on a budget or even for free. To write a good explainer video script, you need to identify your story, distill it into a simple and concise format, bring the viewer into the story, add emotion, and adjust the script for voice over. It’s important to check the length of your script and make sure it is brief, and also show rather than tell when possible. By following these steps and crafting a strong script, you can create an effective explainer video that engages your audience and delivers your message effectively.


What are the different types of explainer videos?

The different types of explainer videos include animated, whiteboard, live action, screencast, and talking head videos.

What is the purpose of an explainer video?

The purpose of an explainer video is to introduce a product or service in a clear and engaging way.

Why are explainer videos effective?

Explainer videos help users understand products or services, and studies show that people prefer watching videos over reading text.

How long should an explainer video be?

The ideal length for an explainer video is around one minute, and shorter videos under 15 seconds can generate more shares on social channels.

How much does it cost to produce an explainer video?

The cost of producing explainer videos can vary depending on factors such as type, length, and resources. However, there are ways to create explainer videos on a budget or even for free.

What are some tips for writing a good explainer video script?

Some tips for writing a good explainer video script include identifying your story, distilling it into a simple and concise format, bringing the viewer into the story, adding emotion, and adjusting the script for voice over.

How can I optimize viewer engagement in my explainer videos?

To optimize viewer engagement in explainer videos, it is recommended to include captions, show rather than tell when possible, and keep the script brief.

What are the options for creating explainer videos?

There are various options for creating explainer videos, including hiring professionals, using DIY tools, or utilizing budget-friendly alternatives.

What are some additional tips for creating an engaging explainer video?

Some additional tips for creating an engaging explainer video include delivering the message effectively, using visual storytelling techniques, and ensuring the video is concise and focused.

This article was written by Creative Island's founder Filipe Bastos. Beyond being the owner of the studio, Filipe has a background in philosophy and psychology, and loves reading and writing about anything related to human nature. He brings his unique perspective and insights to the work he does, including creating engaging and effective animated explainer videos for startups and small businesses.

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